Author: admin

  • Project Proposal

    In this project, I aim to outline the development of virtual reality technologies through a curated Omeka exhibit. The digital collection will catalogue pivotal innovations, from the earliest VR headsets to the latest advancements in immersive experiences. Each entry will be accompanied by detailed descriptions, images, and multimedia elements that illustrate the technological evolution. The…

  • Week 5 Prompt Engineering Exercise

    I’ll start by sharing my results here and then giving additional context below: Amidst whispering pines and crisp mountain air, UNBC stands—a mosaic of resilience. Here, curiosity blooms like wildflowers, And the northern wind carries dreams. In cozy corners, diverse voices converge, Threads of knowledge weaving connections. From boreal forests to star-studded nights, UNBC thrives—a compass for wanderers. To…

  • Week 4 OCR Exercise

    (Omeka post can be found here) For my test, I chose to use Office Lens because it’s the one that I imagine is the most widely accessible as well being a good representative of what I think is the industry standard. (Microsoft tends to enjoy having a hand in every pot imaginable while making the…

  • Week 3 Omeka Exercises

    The living breathing nature of the internet and technology is impressive and very inspiring, but the shifting sands of that desert can demand that anyone who wants to partake in it pays it ongoing attention and care. This is a fancy way of complaining about account verification and updates causing me a lengthy headache that…

  • Omeka Installation Process

    Despite some initial trouble with locating the option in the cPanel user interface*, the process of creating a subdomain and installing Omeka to it was relatively frictionless. I spent some time looking over theme options and things before deciding that the default settings were already well suited to my feeling of how the site should…